Wednesday, December 30, 2009

SQL Server 2008 Implementation and Maintenance (3)

Schema , Table , View and Index

1.exec sp_spaceused 'tableName' -- show the disk space which data occupied
2. rename
sp_rename 'oldTableName' , 'NewTableName' ;

3. view all indexes
select * from sys.indexes ;

4. sp_who -- view all user session

Monday, December 28, 2009

SQL Server 2008 Implementation and Maintenance (2)

SQL SERVER 2008 T-SQL Management Commands(system procedures)

1. sp_help -- show all sys proc names , object type , owner name ... name from sys.databases ; -- show all databases in one instance
3.sp_helpdb 'database name' ; -- show the information and properties of a database

4.sp_dboption ; -- settable database options == alter database clause
5. function DB_Id("database Name") -- return database ID

6. Fulltext Search
select * from sys.fulltext_languages -- show the languages which are supported
select * from sys.fulltext_document_types -- show document format supported

7. Security
select * from sys.fn_builtin_permissions(default) ; ( view all permissions which can be granted for objects)
e.g. select * from sys.fn_builtin_permissions('login') (or ' database' )

select has_perms_by_name( 'databasename' , 'database ' , 'any' ) ; -- to view if the current user is granted any permission of using database )

execute as user='someone'
select has_perms_by_name('databaseName' ,'database' , 'any') ;
( check user someone has permissions )

Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010 Notes

1. VS 2008 does not support connecting to SQL Server 2008 initially .
VS 2008 Service pack 1 is needed .

Windows Server 2003 Notes

In win server 03 , some functions and services are not available after the system is installed, such as Internet Access , remote desktop , telnet and so on.
1. startup Telnet service( must be running Windows Server 2003 SP1. )
run-> cmd -> input : tlntsvr /service ( to install telnet service utility)
to do some settings: go->start -> administrative tools -> services -> found Telnet
( startup : automatic ; start service ; input telnet username and password ; OK)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

SQL Server 2008 Implementation and Maintenance (1)

1. Command-line utilities
Windows PowerShell -> SQL Server PowerShell
( Running cmdlet commands)
c:\ sqlps
PS SQLSERVER:\ get-command ( view all commands under the shell)
use Tab key to input the complete command automatically
PS SQLSERVER:\ get-help cmdName -detailed ( view the information about every command)
e.g. PS SQLSERVER:\get-help get-host -detailed
PS SQLSERVER:\get-help sqlserver | more ( view sql server information , more is UNIX-like command . Pipeline process is used , so that you view information page by page)

2. use stored procedure to configure SSMS(Master database)
sp_configure -> to config standard configuration parameters and advanced ones.
e.g. :
use master
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options' , 1 -- so that you can set advanced system parameters)
exec sp_configure -- to view the information of all parameters

3. View the information of database in a instance of SQL Server 08
Select name , database_id from sys.databases ;

Saturday, December 26, 2009

ADO.Net 2.0 Notes(part four)

Using Class DataSet to process data from database( offline data)

1. DataSet contains Class DataTable and Class DataRelation.
DataSet object can include more than one table . There is one relationship at least if two tables are contained in DataSet object .

2. DataTable contains DataRow , DataColumn and Constraint.

Friday, December 25, 2009

ADO.Net 2.0 Notes(part three)

Query of Database with SqlCommand class and SqlDataReader Class

1. create command
a. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand()
cmd.Connection = cn; // cn is the instance of SqlConnection
cmd.CommandText = "SQL ... " ;
b. SqlCommand cmd ;
cmd = cn.createCommand() ;
cmd.CommandText = "SQL ..." ;
c. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( SQL , cn ) ;

2. SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader() ; ( cmd is the instance of SqlCommand class) ;

ADO.Net 2.0 Notes(part two)

Connection of database
SqlConnection class
-> connection string -> ConnectionStringBuilder class

1. connection pool ( about connection close() issues)

2. SqlConnection class -> create SqlCommand instance ( class SqlCommand)
SqlConnection class -> SqlTransaction
SqlConnection class -> getSchema information ( about architecture of the database )
e.g. cn.GetSchema()

2. methods of Class SqlConnection

BeginTransaction() ;
ChangeDatabase() ; --> like " use databasename" in SSMS

ADO.Net 2.0 Notes(part one)

the whole view:( Only for SQL Server 200X)

Section A :( Request of Connection )
1. Connection class ( SqlConnection, used to connect with database or data source)
Before connection , connection string is needed.
Class ConnectionStringBuilder -> connection string -> Class SqlConnection
ConnectionStringBuilder strcon = new ConnectionStringBuilder() ;
strcon.DataSource = ...
strcon.InitialCatalog= ...
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection( strcon ) ; ; ( or using(sqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(strcon)){} )
cn.close() ;

SqlConnection Class
1. ConnectionStringBuilder (create connectionString)
2. SqlTransaction Class
3. SqlDataAdapter Class
4. SqlCommand Class
2. Database Query( SqlCommand class and SqlDataReader , to query database or data source)
SqlCommand class :
1. SqlParameter
3. Class SqlDataAdapter ( a bridge of online data and offline data )
connection -> SqlCommand->SqlDataReader ( an active connection with database )
Class SqlDataAdapter
Class DataSet ( Offline data manipulation )

Section B:( Offline data manipulation and processing)
1. Class DataSet
A=> Class DataTable(Class DataView) B=> Class DataColumn (Class DataRowView)
B=> Class DataRow
B=> Class Constraint
A=> Class DataRelation

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

SQL Server 2008 internals notes (CHAPTER ONE)

1. select serverproperty( 'Edition') ------------ e.g. Enterprise Edition ( or others)
select serverproperty('EngineEdition') ---------- e.g. 3 ( means edtion is either Enterprise , enterprise Evaluation or Developer. These three have exactly the same features and functionality.

2. Exec SP_help ( to view all system base tables with a system administrator privilege)

3. execute sys.objects to see the names of all system tables
use master ;
select name from sys.objects where type_desc = 'System_table' ;

4. Catalog Views in SQL Server 2008
( all are in sys schema)
sys.bojects , sys.database , sys.indexes , sys.databases

5. View the description of a table ( columns)
to use stored procedure (system procedures) sp_columns
e.g. exec sp_columns @table_name=N'tablename' , @table_owner=N'tableschema' ;

6. We can use function object_definition(object_id( 'some_object') or system procedure sp_helptext 'some_object' to view the definitions of views , procedures , triggers and user-defined functions(UDFs)
e.g. select object_definition(object_id('some_object')) ; --- unavailable for table definitions
exec sp_helptext 'some_object'

7. View the schema of a database in one of instances in SQL 2008
checking Information_schema
e.g. select table_name from information_schema.tables ; ( all tables and views returned)
select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_type='Base Table'; ( only tables returned)

8. View Server Version -> select @@version ;
In , Sqlconnection cn = ... ; cn.ServerVersion;(property)