1. object (base method )
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// any object class includes 4 methods : Equals() ,ToString() ,GetType() , GetHashCode() ;
Student aStud = new Student(){ Age = 20, Name = "Jim Parson",Subject = "History"};
Student bStud = new Student() { Age = 20, Name = "Jim Parson", Subject = "History" };
Console.WriteLine(aStud.GetType());// reflection base method
Console.WriteLine(aStud == bStud);
Console.WriteLine( aStud.GetHashCode());
aStud.Age = 25;
aStud.Name = "tom";
aStud.Subject = "English";
class Student
// automatical property
public string Name { set; get; }
public int Age { set; get; }
public string Subject { set; get; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("obj");
var other = obj as Student;// obj should be Student class object
return (other != null && other.Age == Age && other.Name == Name && other.Subject == Subject);
public override int GetHashCode()
return (Name +":" + Age +":"+ Subject).GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==( Student a , Student b)
if( ReferenceEquals(a,b))// Object.ReferenceEquals( a , b)
return true;
if ((object)a == null || (object)b == null)
return false;
return a.Equals((b));
public static bool operator !=(Student a, Student b)
return !(a == b);
public override string ToString()
return Name + " : " + Age + " : " + Subject;
2. var keyword ( I love using it)
//*** C# support double type number reminder ***
//*** C# Definite Assignement Rule ***
// int aNum;
// or using out keyword
//var afloat = 12f;
//var adouble = 24.5;
//var money = 21.35m;
//Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}" , num , str, afloat,adouble,money);
//Console.WriteLine( "this is a nice day." + "that is right.");
//string input = Console.ReadLine();
//int another;
//if( int.TryParse( input, out another ))
// Console.WriteLine(another);
// int aNum = int.Parse(input);
//*** C# is case-sensitive language ***
//int integer = 100, integEr = 200;
//Console.WriteLine( "{0} -- {1}" , integer , integEr)
3. List
// list
int[] arr = {10, 40, 43, 55, 67, 35, 6, 78, 9};
var alist = arr.ToList();
alist.ForEach(Console.WriteLine);// == alist.ForEach( item=>Console.WriteLine(item));
4.Switch Statement
string input = Console.ReadLine();
switch (input) // input could int type , char or string , no float , double
case "1" :
Console.WriteLine("input is 1");
case "2": // can fall-through
case "3":
Console.WriteLine("input is 2 or 3");
case "4":
Console.WriteLine("input is 4");
default :
Console.WriteLine("default input");
4. Overflow Exception : checked and unchecked
int n = int.MaxValue;
checked // or unchecked
n += 1;
catch (OverflowException e)
Console.WriteLine("overflow found");
byte test = 240;
byte another = 120;
test = unchecked((byte)(test + another));
test = 240;
test = checked((byte)(test+ another) );
5. Class Student -- Constructors
/// all kinds of constuctors
public Student( string _name , int _age , string _sub)
Name = _name;
Age = _age;
Subject = _sub;
public Student( string _name , int _age):this(_name ,_age , "N/A")
public Student( string _name):this(_name , 18)
public Student( int age):this("noName" , age )
public Student():this("unknown")
6. Const and Readonly (the same use but readonly type can be used in run time
class Media
public const int Month = 12;
// error => public const DateTime Current = DateTime.Now.Year;
public readonly DateTime Current = DateTime.Now;
7. Static Class in C#
public static class Shape
public static int Area { set; get; } //property
private static int _field; // field
public static void Show()
throw new NotImplementedException();
8.Anonymous Class
var anonymousClass = new {Name = "Tom", Age = 20};
string atr = "this is a good movie." ;
var other = atr.split( new [] { " "}) ;
or In Linq Application
9. Nullable and Nullable<T> --we always use generics one
Nullable<int> num = null; // or int? num = null or Enumeration Type
num = 100;
10. Boxing and unboxing
int one = 100;
object other = one; // boxing
one = (int) other; // unboxing
11. Is and As Operator ( in Type Cast )
Student aStud = new Student(){ Age = 20, Name = "Jim Parson",Subject = "History"};
object obj2 = aStud; //
var other2 = obj2 as Student;//
if( other2 != null )//
Console.WriteLine("it is Student Type");//
var other = obj;
if( other is Student)
enum Days :byte { Sat = 1, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri }; // not be defined in a method
13. Array copy
int[] arr = {5, 9, 2, 4, 8};
var another = (int[]) arr.Clone();
//var another = new int[arr.Length];
//Array.Copy(arr, another, arr.Length);
//arr.CopyTo(another , 0);
14. extension method
static class MyClass
public static int IntegerPart( this double a)
return Convert.ToInt32(a);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
double num = 6.5;
return ;
15. Interface ( explicitly and implicitly)
internal interface ITalk
void Talk();
bool WantToTalk();
internal interface ISpeak
void Speak();
bool WantToTalk();
internal class AClass : ITalk , ISpeak
public void Talk()
Console.WriteLine("method Talk called");
bool ITalk.WantToTalk()
Console.WriteLine("method ITalk.WantToTalk called");
return true;
bool ISpeak.WantToTalk()
Console.WriteLine("method ISpeak.WantToTalk called");
return false;
public virtual void Speak()
Console.WriteLine("method speak called");
public void PrintAll()
Console.WriteLine("All Information.");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AClass anotherOne = new AClass();
anotherOne.Speak();// object cannot call explicitly interface methods
ITalk anInter = anotherOne; // the interface variable can only call its own methods
ISpeak anInter2 = anotherOne;
16. Abstract Class
public List
abstract class Media
public string ISBN { get; set; }
class Book : Media
class Dvd : Media
17. Property
public class InterClass
public string Name { set; get; }
public int ID { get; private set; } //read only property
public string Score { set; private get; } // write only
static void Main(string[] args)
InterClass anotherOne = new InterClass() { Name = "Tom", Score = "30"};
18.Generic Class
class Media
public string ISDN { set; get; }
class Book:Media{}
class DVD : Media{}
class Library<T> where T:Media
public List
19. LINQ to Objects
var addresses = new[]
new {CompanyName = "ASK", City = "Tokyo", Country = "Japan"},
new {CompanyName = "TPG", City = "Sydney", Country = "Australia"},
new {CompanyName = "Nissan", City = "Osaka", Country = "Japan"},
new {CompanyName = "Toshiba", City = "Tokyo", Country = "Japan"},
new {CompanyName = "ALG", City = "New York", Country = "USA"}
var customers = new [] // anonymous array
new { CID = 1,FName = "Tim", SName = "Anderson", Age = 23 , CompanyName="ASK"},
new { CID =2,FName = "Loly", SName = "Green", Age = 22,CompanyName="TPG"},
new{ CID =3,FName = "Tom" ,SName="Lee" , Age=21 ,CompanyName="ALG"} ,
new{ CID =4,FName = "Bob" ,SName="Camp" , Age=23,CompanyName="Toshiba"} ,
new{ CID =5 ,FName = "Jason" ,SName="Troops" , Age=24,CompanyName="ALG"} ,
};// like a table
//var firstnames = customers.Select(name => name.FName + " " + name.SName +"--"+ name.Age);//Select statement
var firstnames = from name in customers select new {name.FName, name.SName, name.Age};
//var fullItems = customers.Select(item => new {FullName = item.FName + " " + item.SName, Age = item.Age});
//var filter = customers.Where(age => int.Equals(age.Age, 23)).Select(aname => aname.FName);//where statement
var filter = from age in customers where int.Equals(age.Age, 23) select age.FName;
//var orderBy = customers.OrderByDescending(order=>order.Age).Select(aname => aname.FName);//order by statement
var orderBy = from order in customers orderby order.Age descending select order.FName;
//var joins = customers.Select(c => new {c.FName, c.SName, c.CompanyName}).Join(addresses,
// cust => cust.CompanyName,
// addr => addr.CompanyName,
// (cust, addr) =>
// new
// {
// cust.FName,
// cust.SName,
// addr.City
// });
var joins = from c in customers
join a in addresses on c.CompanyName equals a.CompanyName
select new {c.FName, c.SName, a.City};
foreach (var item in firstnames)
//foreach (var item in fullItems)
// Console.WriteLine(item);
foreach (var e in filter)
foreach (var o in orderBy)
Console.WriteLine(customers.Select(cust => cust.Age).Distinct().Count());
foreach (var j in joins)
} }
20.IEnumerable , IEnumerator and yield statement
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AClass app = new AClass();
foreach (var @class in app.ShowMe())
var iterator = app.GetEnumerator();
while( iterator.MoveNext())
// iterator.Reset();reset method not implemented
class AClass
private int[] arrInt = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
public IEnumerator
foreach (var i in arrInt)
if( i == 6)
yield break;
yield return i;
public IEnumerable
foreach (var i in arrInt)
yield return i;
21.delegate , Event , covariance and contravariance
class Program
public static void Show()
Console.WriteLine("show something to me.");
public static void Handler( object sender , EventArgs args)// subscriber
Console.WriteLine("yes , I subscribed this event.");
static void Main(string[] args)
BClass another = new BClass() {Name = "James", SCode = 939483};
BClass.AHandler del = another.PrintName;
del += another.PrintSCode;
del += Show;
del -= another.PrintName;//remove a delegation
del += another.PrintName;//add it again
Console.WriteLine( );
foreach (var s in del.GetInvocationList())
del = null;
another.MyEvent += Handler;
another.AMethod();//invoke event
class BClass
public delegate void AHandler();
// define an event
public event EventHandler MyEvent;
public string Name { set; get; }
public int SCode { set; get; }
public void PrintName()
public void PrintSCode()
// invoke an event
public void AMethod()
if (this.MyEvent != null)
MyEvent(null, null);
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